Saturday, October 24, 2009

New Dishwasher

Well it looks like the rain has stop for a little bit so today we are going to drive to Waterloo and pick up the new dishwasher that was ordered last weekend. Kind of a pain since when we went down to look at them I was in the mode of I want it now. LOL instant gratification I guess.

Oh well just have to learn some patience I guess.

I started yesterday afternoon and did up posters for the Chocolate "An Extravaganza" one of the Library Friends big money makers. We do really well at this it is hosted at the Upper Iowa University's President Home I think that is as big of an attraction as the fact that you get to come and spend the time eating as many chocolate goodies as you can stuff in your month/plate. Talk about and overload.

Yesterday I started a reload on Ray's computer That is the lap top at work I have been fighting with it for the last two weeks. I think it has been the printer that was on the system was a dell 4 in 1 and it was just fine then about 2 weeks ago the scanner/copier/fax part of it quit working. It would still print but the rest of it was a no go.

So Ray and Karla went out and got a new printer 4 in 1 it was a Lexmark not real expensive unit. I suggested a black laser printer but that was a further drive to get it. So this new printer will only default to printing in color mode first you have to at the begining of each copy hit the black button and then copy. So I thought ok I will load the software that goes with this new printer and hopefully change the default. WRONG. The software for the Lexmark took over the printer spool and I could not change any settings on the printer. I did not realize it had taken over the printer spool so I then moved the lap top back to the desk it sits on and rehooked the old printer to it. Now nothing will print on the old Dell printer because the Lexmark has taken over the printer spool and there are like 4 black ink cartrides yet to use up on the Dell. Lets just say that the Dell ink cartrides are not cheap and so goes the saga of the printers.

Lets just say after doing a whole bunch of uninstalls and reinstalls and etc I am reformating the hard drive and starting it over again. This is not a super fast project but it should fix all the problems I HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So as I go back and forth checking to see that all the updates are installed then I take it down and rehook the printer and then put the program in that we use to create labels. So wish me lots of luck.

1 comment:

  1. glad you were able to get your new diswasher - do you like it? I like the new format of your blog.


March 24, 2023

 Well today was my last day of radiation happy to no be driving back and forth to LaCrosse everyday. It seem like forever then it was like o...