I have an iPod touch that I normally dearly love to use. Yesterday I found a book in a set of 3 I wanted to download off the web site provided by our local library. I love having downloadable books to listen to as I am working on projects specially if the project is one that does not take a lot of concentration to complete. So found the book added it to my cart and downloaded it to my computer then you need to transfer the book from that program to your devices that you are using to listen to the book with.
Sounds easy right well to download it to my iPod you have to use iTunes also no big deal make sure the setting are right and go for it. Then you can let it transfer and you are good to go. For some reason this book will not transfer. The previous book moved over to the iPod no problem but not this one. I figured ok no big deal I would just reload the iPod not a huge deal just have to adjust some things and the I can put things back into it.
You know what it is like when you think messing with an electronic gadget will not be a problem that is when you run into major issues. It took me most of the evening to get thru all the hoops and get it reloaded. Then the final straw is this morning I go to transfer the book and nope it will not transfer. So now I am in a quandary as to what to try next.
I have a second smaller player that I have not used in a while since I got the iPod so figured I would just charge that and use it to listen to this book well that plan is not going well either. I cannot find that player any where so it looks like I am going to be doing a major cleaning search for that gadget and hopefully I will find it before my 1 week loan on the book has run out.
I can listen to the book by playing it on the computer but that is just not as convenient having to move the lap top to what ever room I travel too since I don’t always stay put when listening a lot of time I am working on cleaning up and you know how that never seems to work all in one space at one time. You have to run and put something away etc.
I may just have to contact apple and see if they have any ideas though the last time they said it was the other program not there sure easy to blame something else.
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