Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Quilt Progress

I found the backing fabric for the Sunbonnet Sue it was on sale an so I was able to pick it up at a really good price I think it totaled out at 54 dollars for 9.25 yards. It is a black background with small white daisies all over it and the daisies have yellow centers. So tonight I am straightening the edges and cutting off the salvage and I will sew it together. In fact as I started to measure it out for the piece I needed I think the store gave me almost a half yard extra so I am sure the machine quilter will not have to worry about fitting the top on to the backing.

I suppose I could of cut off the extra but who knows what I would do with it and besides I will cut off the edges when I sew on the binding and that way the machine quilter will not be thinking evil thoughts about me as she puts the top on her machine.

My hope is to get this done tonight and then I can run over and get the quilt top from Pat who has had it for a little bit to kind of get a chance to pet it and play with it before it goes to Elgin  to the quilter.

So that should work out just about perfect. So after I get off work in the bakery and then can hopefully head out.  See if the rest of the world agrees with my plan or if something will put a kink into it.  Some times my day’s plan changes on a dime.

Hmm as I type this the weather seems to be getting a little bit of a go again. We came home Monday to find that a storm had blown thru sometime over the weekend. I quizzed at work and was told it happen Monday AM.  There must have been a bunch of wind we have a canoe in the back yard on a rack and it had been blown off the rack and half way across the yard and had a bunch of water in it.  That seem to be the only thing that happen over the time we were gone.

Well I best get the strips trimmed and sewn together.

1 comment:

  1. we are due for more storms starting tomorrow for a couple days - just great I fly out of Little Rock on Thursday morning, I sure hope the bad storms aren't when I am making my hour and a half drive to the airport!! I will need to pay extra for parking and park in the parking garage to protect the car from hail if it happens.


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