Thursday, July 28, 2011

Problems finishing off this quilt

  This is one of the last quilts my mother made. She had Alzheimer's and it shows on this quilt that she was losing a lot. The quilt was quilted and she was starting to finish the edges and on a couple places she cut the back to deep and the quilting on this last edge area was pulled to tight and has gathered the top and back and making it almost impossible to finish off I guess I am going to have to cut some of the quilting and redo it. I was trying to avoid doing this and just finish off the quilt as it is since it is one of her last works and I appreciate it for that alone.
As you can see the gathered area is making it pretty impossible to finish off this top.
I am just going to have to pull some threads and then quilt it back down if I want to finish off this top.
Such is how it goes if I want to reduce the pile it must be done.

Last night we had 4 inches of rain and then this morning another down pour but the river seems to be going down and since up river did not get as much rain as we did it helped us out. Not so sure that down river from us is so lucky. Plus they are predicting even more rain in the next day or two. We go from to dry to more water then needed that is for sure.

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