Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Where did Feb go

No idea where the month went but it sure did fly by.  I been busy in Feb working on a fund raiser event for the local Opera House. That went well. I am not back to my sewing room and working on a farmers wife block. Need to get back into that grove I fell behind on the group's goals oh well it will get done as it gets done.

I will be going to a class sponsored by our guild NEIQG for a quilt design by Quilt Moments and the pattern's name is Twilight Kaleidoscope  I need to decided on the border print and from there what the quilt will be.

The designer has some beautiful quilts on her sight that I do really like. Though why I am starting a new project I am not sure.

1 comment:

  1. you are starting a new project because we are never happy just working on one at a time!! :) beautiful Quilt!


March 24, 2023

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