Sunday, May 1, 2022

May 1

 Happy May Day

Last Friday was my last double drug/chemo and then after two weeks I will be starting a different Chemo that happens once a week for 12 weeks. That adventure will start the 13th of May, in LaCrosse and then if all goes well, I will continue treatments in West Union at Palmer Hospital. 

I finally got all the i dotted and t crossed for insurance crap that was not a fun ride but just took some nudging and keeping on top of it. Calling people to look into the situation and figure out where things went astray. It didn't help that at the beginning of the year the company I worked for was purchased and we keep our tenure but because of the switch in systems it took a while to get everything squared away as not all the paperwork showed up in the usual way, so HR had to do some switching between systems and when it is not the normal it takes longer. 

I do not give the short-term disability company a lot of kudos either as the case worker I had did not seem to communicate well. I would call and get voice mail wait for a call back and nothing call again get voice mail and nothing or just call and get whoever answered the phone and that person could not do much. 

It did all happen and so now I have that controlled until the next round when long-term disability kicks in. Hope that ride goes easier than the first one. 

So to find something positive I have 6 out of 7 more blocks done for reflection 

Saturday after running out of the background print earlier in the week Fred drove me to Merry Stitching in rural Jessup to get a bit more. Always good to have a driver.  Not sure why I did not have enough but that is life and not something I am going to fret over as thank goodness the fabric was there and available for purchase and not sold out. Always a worry when you run short of what you need for the blocks. 

I do love how my M7 stitched the Fan blocks down I used an invisible thread and it worked well 

When at the Merry's Stitching I picked up a Patchability pattern for "Dragonfly Garden" to make up as a couple wedding gift this summer. This is one of her designs that has been digitized so I am going to try stitching it out in the hoop on my embroidery machine. The design comes on a small credit card type USB Memory stich rather interesting to work with it. 

As it is getting late and I am on week one after chemo napping and sleeping are what seem to happen right now. That is not an awful thing to let this chemo do it job and then flush it out of my system so I can build back up for the next round. 

Thanks for reading along

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March 24, 2023

 Well today was my last day of radiation happy to no be driving back and forth to LaCrosse everyday. It seem like forever then it was like o...